Hi RC3!
Dear entities,
As we all know, a hacker spaceship landed many moons ago on Planet Earth. While dusting off the Fairy Dust we discovered a message in a hidden compartment underneath the main console.
We now managed to decrypt it: A musical score!
Liebe Entitäten,
wir alle wissen, dass ein Hackerraumschiff vor vielen Monden auf dem Planeten Erde gelandet ist. Beim Entstauben der Fairy Dust entdeckten wir in einem versteckten Fach unter der Hauptkonsole eine Nachricht.
Es ist uns jetzt mit eurer Hilfe gelungen, die Hälfte davon zu entschlüsseln: Eine Partitur!
Find it here (Rightclick to download Audio Practice Files or use the first link for single voice scores and mp3s):
The Playbacks are now online! If you can not attend the choir recording session on Jamulus, you can also just put headphones on, sing along and record and upload yr contribution! Playbacks, (Update: Midi File and Instrumental stems are now also available) here:
Contribution Upload here (voice register indication appreciated <3):
Have a close look and study the voices, we will need them to bring the whole thing to life together! Stay tuned for further updates!
Find us in the chaosstudio hamburg stream at 15:30 on day 1, 2 and 3!
Sing with us on day 3 at 16:00 on Jamulus! (server:
Or participate by uploading your contribution here:
Fallback for the onboarding on Jamulus: BigBlueButton
Or reach us here to check for last minute news:
Final Presentation of the results on Day 4:

Alle entstehenden Kompositionen, Arrangements und Audiodateien werden unter Creative Commons-Lizenzen veröffentlicht. Entstanden ist der Chor während der Entwicklung des Communityfilms All Creatures Welcome (, zu dem es auch einen Soundtrack mit allen bisherigen Tracks gibt:
The CCCHOIR and ORCCCHESTRA are free-floating collective entities that meet and gather before and during the CCC conventions to collaboratively develop and sing new music and tracks.
All resulting compositions, arrangements and audio files are released under Creative Commons licenses. The choir was formed during the development of the community film All Creatures Welcome (, for which there is also a soundtrack with all the tracks so far:
Join us for the onboarding session for jamulus at 18:30 on day 1 via jamulus(server: